JR-Comm Shareware info ---------------------- The 0.94 release will be the last preliminary version. It is also the last version that will be released to the public for quite some time. I can't make any hard and fast promises at this time as to the future of JR-Comm. I don't want to go commercial with this, but lack of support will force me to. It's up to the Amiga community to decide the future of this program... With that out of the way, this is how I plan to handle this thing. I figure on mid-August before 1.0 is finished. When it is I'll mail a disk to everyone who's registered by then. The BBS I'm running will become my primary method of supporting JR-Comm, registered users can expect extended access and other privledges from users who aren't registered. When 1.0 is released to registered users they will be expected to *not* pass around their copy of the program to anyone else until after I post it to the general public, figure on 3 or 4 months after it is released. The reason behind this approach is to give people an incentive to register JR-Comm and to give registered users the benefit of having "first dibs" on a new version. In the future some of this may have to get changed a bit.